- Patricia Matson (Submitted 7.27.16)
- Jan Harrington (Submitted 9.19.16)
- Willis Towers Watson (Submitted 10.10.16)
- Sara Ark and Alan J. Stonewall (Submitted 10.17.16)
- Steering Committee of the Conference of Consulting Actuaries Public Plans Community (Submitted 10.19.16)
- Thomas Levy (Submitted 10.25.16)
- Gary Grippo (Submitted 10.28.16)
- Academy’s Pension Committee, Multiemployer Subcommittee and the Public Plans Subcommittee (Submitted 10.31.16)
- Karen Smith (Submitted 10.31.16)
- Corwin Zass (Submitted 10.31.16)
- Don Boyd (Submitted 10.31.16)
- John Frederick (Submitted 10.31.16)
- Government Finance Officers Association of Texas (Submitted 10.31.16)
- ACOPA (Submitted 10.31.16)
- Michael Dulaney (Submitted 10.28.16)
- Susan Breen-Held (Submitted 10.31.16)
- Mercer (Submitted 10.31.16)
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The Actuarial Standards Board (ASB) sets standards for appropriate actuarial practice in the United States through the development and promulgation of Actuarial Standards of Practice (ASOPs). These ASOPs describe the procedures an actuary should follow when performing actuarial services and identify what the actuary should disclose when communicating the results of those services.
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