Please review the exposure draft, and give the ASB the benefit or your recommendations by completing this comment template.  Please fill out the tables within the section below, adding rows as necessary.

Each completed comment template received by the comment deadline will receive consideration by the drafting committee and the ASB.  The ASB accepts comments by email.  Please send to and include the phrase ‘ASB COMMENTS’ in the subject line.  Please note: Any email not containing this exact phrase in the subject line will be deleted by our system’s spam filter.

The ASB posts all signed comments received to its website to encourage transparency and dialogue. Comments received after the deadline may not be considered. Anonymous comments will not be considered by the ASB nor posted to the website. Comments will be posted in the order that they are received. The ASB disclaims any responsibility for the content of the comments, which are solely the responsibility of those who submit them.

I. Identification:

Name of Commentator / Company*

Contact Email*

II. ASB Questions (If Any):


     III. Specific Recommendations:

1. Section No. (e.g. 3.2.a)

1.Commentator Recommendation

2. Section No.

2. Commentator Recommendation

3. Section No.

3. Commentator Recommendation

     Additional Specific Recommendations

4. Section No.

4.Commentator Recommendation

5. Section No.

5. Commentator Recommendation

6. Section No.

6. Commentator Recommendation


IV. General Recommendations (If Any):

Commentator Recommendation (Identify relevant sections when possible)

Commentator Rationale