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Actuarial Standards Board News

ASB Adopts ASOP Nos. 28 and 36 Revisions

Category: ASB News

The Actuarial Standards Board of the American Academy of Actuaries adopted a revision of Actuarial Standard of Practice (ASOP) No. 36, now titled Statements of Actuarial Opinion Regarding Property/Casualty Loss, Loss Adjustment Expense, or Other Reserves. The ASOP provides guidance to actuaries when performing actuarial services with respect to a written statement of actuarial opinion regarding property/casualty loss, loss adjustment expense, or other reserves. The ASOP underwent two exposure periods and received 13 comment letters. Notable changes from the existing ASOP No. 36 include expanding the purpose and scope beyond “issuing” and “providing” to “performing actuarial services with respect to a written statement of actuarial opinion regarding property/casualty loss, loss adjustment expense, or other reserves”; adding definitions for “counterparty” and “recoverable”; and revising guidance on the stated basis of the reserve to include characteristics of other reserves being opined upon.

Successively, the scope of the 2022 adopted revision of ASOP No. 28, Statements of Actuarial Opinion Regarding Health Insurance Assets and Liabilities, was further revised to clarify that ASOP No. 36 may apply to the standard in addition to ASOP No. 28 and ASOP No. 22, Statements of Actuarial Opinion Based on Asset Adequacy Analysis for Life Insurance, Annuity, or Health Insurance Reserves and Other Liabilities.

The effective date for ASOP Nos. 28 and 36 is Oct. 1, 2024.


ASB Adopts ASOP No. 27 Revision

Category: ASB News

The Actuarial Standards Board (ASB) of the American Academy of Actuaries adopted a revision of Actuarial Standard of Practice (ASOP) No. 27, now titled Selection of Assumptions for Measuring Pension Obligations. The standard provides guidance to actuaries when performing actuarial services that involve selecting assumptions, including giving advice on selecting assumptions, for measuring defined benefit pension plan obligations. 

In June 2020, ASOP Nos. 27 and 35, Selection of Demographic and Other Noneconomic Assumptions for Measuring Pension Obligations, were both revised to expand the scope, provide additional guidance on the combined effect of assumptions, provide guidance on assessing assumptions not selected by the actuary, and to modify the required disclosure of rationale for assumptions selected. 

Throughout the past few revisions, the ASB adopted identical language in ASOP Nos. 27 and 35 where practical and improved the similarity of layout and structure to simplify the overall guidance. The final step in the simplification was to combine the two current pension assumption ASOP Nos. 27 and 35 into one. When the revised ASOP No. 27 is effective as the single assumption standard for pensions, ASOP No. 35 will be repealed, and technical corrections will be made to ASOPs referencing ASOP No. 35. The ASB generally attempted to avoid changing the current guidance in both ASOPs except when the two standards took different approaches to the assumption selection framework. 

During the exposure period, six comment letters were received and considered in making changes that are reflected in the revised ASOP No. 27, including clarifying that the standard applies when the actuary selects assumptions for the measurement of retiree group benefits obligations, as specified in ASOP No. 6, Measuring Retiree Group Benefits Obligations and Determining Retiree Group Benefits Program Periodic Costs or Actuarially Determined Contributions

ASOP No. 27 is effective for any actuarial report that meets the following criteria: (a) the actuarial report is issued on or after January 1, 2025; and (b) the measurement date in the actuarial report is on or after January 1, 2025.


ASB Adopts ASOP No. 40 Revision

Category: ASB News

The Actuarial Standards Board (ASB) of the American Academy of Actuaries adopted a revision of Actuarial Standard of Practice (ASOP) No. 40, now titled Compliance with the NAIC Valuation of Life Insurance Policies Model Regulation with Respect to X Factors. The standard applies to actuaries when performing actuarial services with respect to adjusting deficiency reserve mortality rates using X factors pursuant to applicable law, including applicable law based on the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Valuation of Life Insurance Policies Model Regulation (Model). The standard provides specific guidance for actuaries complying with requirements consistent with the Model, and actuaries complying with requirements that differ materially from the Model should apply the guidance in the standard to the extent appropriate. 

Notable changes to the revision, which underwent one exposure period and received four comment letters, include making the ASOP applicable to all actuaries performing actuarial services related to compliance with the Model, rather than only to the appointed actuary; eliminating or updating definitions for clarity; and eliminating descriptions of Model requirements throughout section 3. The standard will be effective for all statements of actuarial opinion provided for reserves with a valuation date on or after September 15, 2024.


ASB Approves Third Exposure Draft of Proposed Revision of ASOP No. 24

Category: ASB News

The Actuarial Standards Board of the American Academy of Actuaries approved a third exposure draft of a proposed revision of Actuarial Standard of Practice (ASOP) No. 24, now titled NAIC Life Insurance Illustrations Model Regulation. The ASOP applies to actuaries when performing actuarial services in support of a certification or representation that life insurance illustrated scales are in conformity with the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Life Insurance Illustrations Model Regulation (Model) or applicable actuarial guidelines. Such a certification or representation may be made in an illustration actuary’s certification pursuant to applicable law (statutes, regulations, and other legally binding authority) based on the Model or may be made in the absence of an applicable law based on the Model.

The second exposure draft of the proposed revision was released in July 2023, and six comment letters were received and considered in making changes that are reflected in the third exposure draft. Notable changes reflected in the third exposure draft include revising guidance on “timeframe” and “adjustments to actual experience,” and adding guidance on “hedge costs” and “consistency of experience factors” as well as a disclosure for actions or events reflected in the experience factors for which experience has not yet emerged.

The comment deadline is July 1, 2024. Information on how to submit comments can be found in the draft.


ASB Releases 2023 Annual Report

Category: ASB News

The Actuarial Standards Board (ASB) released its 2023 Annual Report, which highlights the board’s accomplishments throughout the year. In 2023, the ASB adopted three revised actuarial standards of practice (ASOPs), approved four exposure drafts for comment, and introduced its 57th ASOP. In addition, the ASB continued development on 10 other new or revised ASOPs.
